Beauty Secrets: Dealing With Oily Skin
Oily skin can be a nightmare for most people. When your over-active sebaceous glands decide to throw a greasy party and produce excess sebum, your face is bound to shine - and not in a good way. Besides its unappealing look, your skin is also at risk for various skin problems, such as acne, blackheads, whiteheads, and enlarged or clogged pores.
Many factors contribute to oily skin, and they are equal parts of controlled and uncontrolled circumstances. Some causes can be environmental, such as pollution and poor air quality, and in other cases, your hormones can play a huge role.
Because no one is exempted from the horrors of oily skin, many take a proactive approach and deal with their skin issues right away. Visiting your esthetician and getting the right treatment, such as dermasound facial treatments, is a must to control your oil and prevent other skin complications.
Perhaps you're here because your oily skin is getting on your nerves. If that's the case, stick around.
Here are the beauty industry's best-kept secrets on how to deal with oily skin.
Always Say "Yes!" to Cleansing
One of the best, proven ways to control excess sebum is by cleansing your skin at least twice a day. Cleaning your face twice or thrice a day can help eliminate dirt and oil buildup, contributing to stubborn clogged pores, acne, and more.
Ideally, you want to use a cleanser best fit for your oily skin type, and the best type of cleansers are oil-free gel-based or foaming facial washes. These facial soaps do a great job extracting the dirt from your pores and freeing excess oil that gets clogged up during the day.
Don't Skip Your Exfoliation Routine
Many people think that exfoliation is bad for your skin. Exfoliating every day can damage your skin; however, if you do it once or twice a week, your skin will love you for it!
Exfoliation is one of the best ways to remove excess sebum because it takes out all the dead skin cells that promote pimples, acne, whiteheads, blackheads, and more. Besides that, when you exfoliate, you renew your skin's surface every week, putting your skin woes at bay.
Face Masks, Toner, Moisturizer, and Sunscreen: Use Them All
Unfortunately, many people think that cleansing is all they need to maintain the glow and health of their skin, but what they don't know is that you need to give your skin the nutrients it requires that your body can't produce on its own.
By putting on a face mask, toner, moisturizer, and sunscreen, you're giving the biggest organ of your body the right nutrients and minerals it needs. With that, you'll always walk out with glowing, fresh, and supple skin every single day!
Your Esthetician Is Your Skin's Best Friend
Though you can follow a proper skincare routine to adequately care for your skin, having a professional deal with your nitty-gritty skin problems is a desirable addition to your routine.
In most cases, estheticians will recommend different products to help manage your oil in the comforts of your home. However, you should also get treatments, such as dermasound facial treatments, to help control the production of the oils of your skin. This will help prevent unwanted and headache-worthy skin problems that could significantly affect your appearance and self-esteem.
Kim Gallo, Esthetician in Naples, FL
The Bottom Line: Following a Strict Skincare Routine Will Keep Your Skin Issue Free From Grease and Shine
At first, dealing with terribly oily skin can be frustrating and troublesome. But if you stay disciplined and follow a skincare routine best fit for your oily face, you'll reap the benefits soon enough.
Ideally, you want to practice at-home facial techniques to manage excess sebum and visit your esthetician for regular dermasound facial treatment sessions to control your oil production.
Are You Looking for Dermasound Facial Treatments?
Skin problems can definitely take a toll on our self-esteem; that's why it's crucial to make your skin's health one of your biggest priorities.
Kim Gallo Esthetics is one of the best local estheticians in Naples, FL. With over 25 years of experience, we provide personalized treatments, such as dermasound facial treatments, facials, waxing, and consultations to help you achieve your skin goals. Learn more about your skin and speak with us today!