Everything You Need to Know About Microneedling
If you are searching for the ultimate skincare treatment, microneedling may be just that find. More than just a beauty treatment, it can actually help you look younger, reduce the look of lines, scars and brown spots, and give your skin a fresh new look.
Many people are looking at microneedling to help eliminate lines and scars from acne. If you are considering taking the plunge, here are some things you may want to know before you sign up.
What is Microneedling?
Microneedling is pretty much what it sounds like. Micro needles that penetrate the top layer of your skin. If you have ever seen a tattoo gun, it is the same premise.
Unlike a tattoo artist, your esthetician or dermatologist will use a microneedling pen or device to slightly penetrate the top layer of your skin. It will cause your skin to react by swelling slightly.
The micro-fine needles also cause your skin to produce collagen and elastin. The blood will also rush to the area, as it reacts to the slight aggression and moves in to protect the space. It may be done with a pen, a roller, or a similar device.
Not unlike a tattoo, you may experience a slight discomfort. The tattoo artist will be pushing harder to make sure the ink stays in and is even. Your dermatologist or esthetician isn’t putting anything in.
Some may use a numbing cream, which will ease discomfort.
Is Microneedling Effective?
People are finding very noticeable benefits to microneedling. Due to the body’s natural ability to heal itself, once the microneedles are applied, the skin reacts immediately.
The skin starts to heal itself right away, which is very effective for the area being treated. Small lines and scars will be irritated, then the skin will start to heal them.
Besides the production of elastin and collagen, the micro-punctures are also used to apply therapeutic products through the skin barrier, where they can work more efficiently. This is not recommended for doing at home. Adding toxin substances to your skin that is immediately absorbed can also be harmful.
However, overall, microneedling is considered very safe. It can be used on all skin types and for a variety of skin concerns. It is typically less expensive than certain treatments, as well.
Benefits of Microneedling
Whether you are including microneedling as part of your regular spa treatment or are looking to have a specific concern addressed, there are several benefits to having the procedure.
Benefits can include:
Reduced lines
Smaller pores
Reduced scars
Improved dark spots
Stimulation of collagen and elastin
Stimulation of new skin cell growth
Promotes tighter skin
Improve self-esteem
Can be performed on all areas of the face including fragile skin around eyes, mouth and neck
Reducing lines or scars can really help to boost your self-worth and mental health. Acne, brown spots, or injury scars can make you feel very uncomfortable and self-conscious.
Read more: Achieve the Skin of Your Dreams With Microneedling
Preparing for Microneedling
Be sure you get all the information you need from your esthetician and follow the steps they give you.
You will need to avoid particular medications before you get your treatment. Be sure to ask or supply the types of medications you are taking as there may be side effects from them.
Don’t use any lotions or creams like retinoids or alpha hydroxy acids that can irritate your skin.
Don’t wax, shave, or use any hair removal creams or devices before your treatment.
Avoid any other types of skin treatments before, like lasers or peels.
Avoid sunburns.
On the day of your treatment, don’t use any creams, lotions, sunscreens, makeup, or perfumes.
After Care and Risks
You may experience the look of a slight sunburn the day of your treatment.
Avoid direct sunlight and use mineral sunscreen liberally, especially for the next few weeks. Wear a hat and don’t let the sun on your face.
Avoid wearing makeup for 24-48 hours after your treatment.
Use any antibiotic creams or post procedure skincare your esthetician gives you.
Wash your hands before you touch your face.
Avoid strong cleansers and creams, at least for the first few days after.
Avoid sweating heavily, like running or swimming and going to the gym.
Your skin is very susceptible just after treatment and you want to avoid any type of infection. The risks are minimal, but you may have a flushed look, or flaking skin. If there was a bit of bleeding, be aware you may get a small infection if you don’t follow after care instructions.
Microneedling is a safe and effective way to get your skin looking new and fresh, and take care of those skin concerns that have been stopping you from living.
Contact me today to learn more about this procedure (239) 920-1888