Salicylic Acid Benefits For Your Skin
A wide range of over-the-counter medications are available to remedy acne breakouts. In this arena, salicylic acid is a top ingredient that many people have raved about. If you apply it to a pimple overnight, you may wake up in the morning with a dried-up and less visible blemish.
How exactly does salicylic work to achieve such results? What do you need to do to reap the full benefits of this wonder ingredient? Continue reading this article to learn more.
What exactly is Salicylic Acid?
There are two types of acids that are used for skin care products: alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) and beta hydroxy acids (BHAs).
Salicylic acid falls under BHAs and is derived from the willow bark. Its unique structure makes it oil-soluble (unlike AHAs that are water-soluble), which means it can penetrate deep into the pores of your skin. Both acid categories exfoliate the skin, but BHAs offer a deeper level of exfoliation.
AHAs are ideal for getting rid of dead skin on the topmost surface to reveal a younger, fresher layer. However, if your wish is to deeply cleanse the pores and prevent the clog from turning into acne, BHAs are your partner.
The Function of Salicylic Acid
Because salicylic acid penetrates deep into your skin, it has become an extremely popular ingredient for addressing acne. It has the ability to dissolve any skin debris that can clog your pores and helps treat inflamed pimples.
Salicylic acid triggers the breaking down of your skin cells to promote deep exfoliation. This ingredient can soften and slough off the topmost layer of skin.
Sal-X Exfoliating Cleanser
Treat acne at its source with the combined power of Salicylic Acid, Aloe Vera, and exfoliating beads.
Skin will be left re-energized, restored, and radiant. This cleanser is also a favorite for men!
Blackheads, Whiteheads, and Dandruff
In addition to acne, salicylic acid effectively treats and prevents blackheads and whiteheads. This wonder ingredient helps dissolve keratin plugs and gets rid of bacteria and sebum buildup, which lead to the formation of blackheads and whiteheads.
This property of salicylic acid is also what makes it a common ingredient in many dandruff-fighting products. Seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff, both caused by slow skin turnover on the scalp, are best remedied with products containing lower levels of salicylic acid.
Serious Action Purifying Cleanser
This powerful facial wash is formulated with 2% salicylic acid to kill bacteria, reduce oil production, and slow shedding in the follicle which prevents clogging.
Recommended for: Oily and Combination skin
Who Should Not Use Salicylic Acid?
Because of its skin exfoliation ability, salicylic acid can irritate and dry out sensitive skin. This means that the right amount of salicylic acid you use should depend on how reactive your skin is to strong exfoliants.
If your skin typically experiences dryness, redness, and peeling, it is best to use products with the lowest possible concentration of salicylic acid, and only once a week. If the redness or irritation persists, stop using the product altogether and immediately consult your dermatologist.
As with any other type of treatment, make sure to check with your doctor first, especially if you’re pregnant, lactating, or taking specific medications.
What Are the Best Salicylic Acid Skincare Products?
The perfect product and its salicylic acid concentration will largely depend on an individual’s skin type and acne severity. Those who regularly go through breakouts can use salicylic acid-containing cleansers, while people with milder acne can use a spot treatment.
Skin Astringent No. 2
Skin Astringent No. 2 contains salicylic acid, essential oils and healing extracts to fight oily acne prone skin.
• Purifies
• Reduces Oil
• Prevents Breakouts
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) allows companies to declare acne-fighting capabilities only for products containing 0.5 to 2 percent concentration. For chemical procedures done by dermatologists, the products can contain up to 20 to 30 percent.
Salicylic acid is an ingredient that should be present in your skincare routine. If used the right way and at the ideal concentration, you will be able to reap the benefits of this super ingredient and worry less about stubborn breakouts.
If you need an online skincare consultation, reach out to Kim Gallo Esthetics. Kim has over 20 years of experience providing personalized treatments, facials, waxing services, skincare consultations, and more. Schedule an appointment today!