Skin Care Tips for Dry Skin
Some people only have to contend with dry skin in the colder months. Others, year-round. Dry skin can look older, cause itching and flaking skin, and appear as a rash.
Dry skin can also be caused by diet, medication, and our environment. Smoke, smog and pollution, indoor heating, wind, and even heredity can all irritate and dry out your skin.
Taking care of your dry skin with the wrong products or procedures can just make it worse. Here are a few tips to help battle dry skin.
Tips for Dry Skin
The worst areas for dry skin tend to be our hands, face, feet, arms, and legs.
1. Stay Hydrated
One of the first steps to moisturizing your skin starts from the inside. Make sure you drink plenty of water and eat fresh fruits and vegetables that will add vitamins and moisture to your skin.
Drinking coffee and caffeinated teas will also dehydrate your skin. Have a glass of water with your coffee, or after. Alcohol will also dry your skin, so be careful with how much you consume. Alternate water with alcohol, so it passes through your system faster.
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2. Avoid Harsh Cleansers
Don’t use anything on your face that is considered soap-based. Cleansers with added natural moisturizers are recommended. Also avoid products that contain scents, deodorants, or any type of alcohol.
3. Moisturize
Keeping your face and hands moisturized throughout the day will really make a difference. Make sure you moisturize each time after your shower or bath. You may want to use a moisturizer that is a bit richer than what you use in the warmer months.
Also, don’t use regular lotions. Try richer creams or ointments to help seal in the moisture that occurs naturally. Use a cream that has natural moisturizers added to it. Make sure it doesn’t have perfume, scents, or dyes.
Put moisturizer on before you go out in the cold weather. Keep your moisturizer with you so you can add more when needed. Often, office or work environments have hot dry air for their heating systems, so be vigilant about staying on top of it.
4. Warm Water, Not Hot
In the winter months, it is very tempting to have a steamy hot shower or bath. This can actually dry your skin out even more. Turn down the heat a bit and consider adding moisturizing oils to your bathwater.
If you don’t need to shower, skip a day. You can have a sponge bath if you have a day off or are working from home. That gives your skin a chance to regenerate without the heat of the water.
5. Exfoliate
Using an exfoliator will remove the dry skin layer and improve the way your skin feels and looks. Never rub too hard or use harsh cleansers with it and don’t rub your skin too hard.
6. Use a Humidifier
Using a humidifier will make a big difference to the entire room. It can not only help with your dry skin, but it can help with your eyes, hair, sinuses, and even protect your home.
Even using a standing bowl of water near your bed will help considerably. Placing it near a heating vent or other heat source will help it add moisture to the air.
You can also invest in a few houseplants, use a water mister around the home, boil a kettle of water, or allow the steam from the shower or bath to be released into the room.
7. Wear Appropriate Clothing
Wear your gloves in the cold weather, cover your head, and always cover your face in harsh winter weather, especially, against the wind. Wear layers of clothes if you are active outdoors or to be out for a long time.
If you sweat while inside and then go out again, it will be very uncomfortable. It can also cause a rash or other types of skin irritations. Icy winds can cause your skin to dry to the point of causing small cracks.
Also, if you have severely dry skin, be aware of the types of detergents and products you are using to clean your clothes. These can remain in the clothing and irritate your skin.
The actual fabric can also irritate or even cause rashes or outbreaks. Use natural fibers, when possible, or wear a protective layer underneath items to avoid direct contact.
8. Sun Screen
Just because it is the winter doesn’t mean you are safe from the sun’s harmful rays. Use a moisturizer when you go out that contains sunscreen protection. Not only can the bright sunshine harm your skin, but the glare off the snow or other objects can cause damage.
9. Have a Skin Care Regime
At least once a week you should really treat yourself to a home facial. Use a moisturizing mask to lift out dirt and toxins and clean your face. Use one that will also not dry out your skin.
Just 15 minutes a week can really make a difference. It feels good and it allows you to just sit and relax for a few minutes. It feels good and can be used in between your professional facial, for maintenance.
10. Stress Relief
Add meditation, exercise, yoga, or stretching to your daily routine. Stress is a major cause of lines and other health problems. This can also include your diet. While we are stressed we often turn to our favorite vices, which can only irritate dry skin even more.
Even getting out and taking the dog for a walk can help relieve stress. Find time to relax completely. Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol when stressed. Consider adding a multivitamin to your regular morning or evening routine, to help boost the nutrients you may be missing.
Ask a Professional
If you have problems with dry skin, ask your aesthetician for help and advice. They can show you ways of cleaning, moisturizing, and overall skin care tips that will help you combat your dry skin. They can also recommend the best products to use for your individual skin type.